Laser treatment for toenail fungus are revolutionary breakthrough procedures in treating nail fungus infection. Laser fungus toenail treatments do not cause cuts or burns and thus has the advantage of patients being treated without reported discomfort. Laser can target the fungus and kill the pathogens without any discomfort.
Nail fungus infection is a condition which can be embarrassing and often, even painful. Fungal toenails might cause discomfort, be unsightly and embarrassing. No side effects have been reported thus far and with correct hygiene, follow up treatments, the results last. Laser nail fungus treatment procedure has an effective success rate around 80% in clinical studies showing the fungus destroyed, safely. On average, any toenail will replace itself every 6 to 9 months through natural growth. Healthy new growth will be visible within the first 3 months as the new nail replaces the old.